
state.of.interest = “California”

answering Q1:

covid = read_csv("")

state.of.interest = "California"

state_new_cases = covid %>% 
  filter(state == state.of.interest) %>% 
  group_by(county) %>% 
  mutate(new_daily_cases = cases - lag(cases)) %>% 
most_cumulative_cases = state_new_cases %>% 
  group_by(county) %>% 
  summarise(cum_cases = sum(cases)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  slice_max(cum_cases, n = 5)

most_new_cases = state_new_cases %>% 
  filter(date == max(date)) %>% 
  slice_max(new_daily_cases, n = 5) %>% 
  select(county, new_daily_cases)
knitr::kable(most_cumulative_cases, caption = "5 Counties with the Most Cumulative Cases", col.names = c("County", "Cumulative Cases"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11) 
5 Counties with the Most Cumulative Cases
County Cumulative Cases
Los Angeles 18,408,002
Riverside 3,611,739
Orange 3,293,539
San Bernardino 2,972,488
San Diego 2,832,227
knitr::kable(most_new_cases, caption = "5 Counties with the Most New Cases", col.names = c("County", "New Daily Cases"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
5 Counties with the Most New Cases
County New Daily Cases
Los Angeles 809
San Diego 265
Orange 185
Fresno 159
San Bernardino 156
PopulationEstimates <- read_excel("~/github/geog-176A-labs/data/PopulationEstimates.xls", skip = 2)

CA_county_pop = PopulationEstimates %>% 
  filter(State == "CA") %>% 
  select(state = State, county = Area_Name, fips = FIPStxt, pop_19 = POP_ESTIMATE_2019)

CA_covid = covid %>% 
  filter(state == "California") %>% 
  group_by(county, fips) %>% 
  summarise(CA_covid_cases = sum(cases)) %>% 

CA_covid_new = covid %>% 
  filter(state == "California", date == max(date))
CA_per_cap = inner_join(CA_covid, CA_county_pop, by = "fips") %>% 
  select(county.x, CA_covid_cases, pop_19) %>% 
  mutate(most_per_cap = (CA_covid_cases / pop_19)) %>% 
  slice_max(most_per_cap, n = 5)

NEW_per_cap = left_join(CA_covid_new, CA_county_pop, by = "fips") %>% 
  summarise(county.x, cases, pop_19, new_per_cap = (cases / pop_19)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  slice_max(new_per_cap, n = 5)
knitr::kable(CA_per_cap, caption = "5 Counties with the Most Cumulative Cases Per Capita", col.names = c("County", "Cumulative Cases", "Population", "Cases per Capita"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11) 
5 Counties with the Most Cumulative Cases Per Capita
County Cumulative Cases Population Cases per Capita
Imperial 868,946 181,215 4.795111
Kings 423,990 152,940 2.772264
Tulare 908,771 466,195 1.949337
Kern 1,660,479 900,202 1.844563
Los Angeles 18,408,002 10,039,107 1.833629
knitr::kable(NEW_per_cap, caption = "5 Counties with the Most New Cases Per Capita", col.names = c("County", "New Cases", "Population", "New Cases per Capita"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
5 Counties with the Most New Cases Per Capita
County New Cases Population New Cases per Capita
Imperial 11,274 181,215 0.0622134
Kings 7,097 152,940 0.0464038
Kern 30,735 900,202 0.0341423
Tulare 15,114 466,195 0.0324199
Merced 8,541 277,680 0.0307584
CA_covid_14 = covid %>% 
  filter(state == "California", date > max(date) - 14)

CA_14_per100 = CA_covid_14 %>% 
  group_by(date) %>% 
  summarize(CA_14_cases = sum(cases)) %>% 
  mutate(CA_14_100 = (CA_14_cases / 100000))

knitr::kable(CA_14_per100, caption = "Total New Cases in the Last 14 Days per 100,000 People", col.names = c("Date", "Daily Total New Cases", "Daily New Cases per 100,000"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
Total New Cases in the Last 14 Days per 100,000 People
Date Daily Total New Cases Daily New Cases per 100,000
2020-08-31 712,541 7.12541
2020-09-01 716,628 7.16628
2020-09-02 722,035 7.22035
2020-09-03 727,398 7.27398
2020-09-04 732,691 7.32691
2020-09-05 737,073 7.37073
2020-09-06 740,233 7.40233
2020-09-07 742,689 7.42689
2020-09-08 746,113 7.46113
2020-09-09 749,196 7.49196
2020-09-10 753,017 7.53017
2020-09-11 757,125 7.57125
2020-09-12 760,581 7.60581
2020-09-13 763,389 7.63389


total_cases = state_new_cases %>% 
  filter(date == max(date)) %>% 
  select(county, cases) %>% 

total_new_cases = state_new_cases %>% 
  group_by(date) %>% 
  summarize(new_total_cases = sum(cases)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

safe_counties = inner_join(CA_covid, CA_county_pop, by = "fips") %>% 
  select(county.x, CA_covid_cases, pop_19) %>% 
  mutate(most_per_cap = CA_covid_cases / pop_19) %>%
knitr::kable(total_cases, caption = "Total Number of Cases", col.names = c("County", "Total Cases"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>% 
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
Total Number of Cases
County Total Cases
Los Angeles 253,985
Riverside 55,073
Orange 52,121
San Bernardino 50,699
San Diego 42,742
Kern 30,735
Fresno 27,076
Sacramento 20,183
Alameda 20,012
Santa Clara 19,549
San Joaquin 19,108
Stanislaus 15,976
Contra Costa 15,351
Tulare 15,114
Ventura 11,759
Imperial 11,274
San Francisco 10,305
San Mateo 9,077
Monterey 8,992
Santa Barbara 8,642
Merced 8,541
Kings 7,097
Sonoma 6,701
Marin 6,464
Solano 5,825
Madera 4,150
Placer 3,316
San Luis Obispo 3,222
Yolo 2,677
Butte 2,629
Santa Cruz 2,043
Sutter 1,564
Napa 1,557
San Benito 1,238
Yuba 1,057
El Dorado 1,034
Mendocino 789
Lassen 727
Shasta 612
Glenn 517
Colusa 489
Nevada 482
Tehama 471
Humboldt 447
Lake 393
Calaveras 298
Amador 277
Tuolumne 213
Inyo 177
Mono 163
Siskiyou 155
Del Norte 129
Mariposa 75
Plumas 42
Modoc 21
Trinity 16
Sierra 6
Alpine 2
knitr::kable(total_new_cases, caption = "Total Number of New Cases", col.names = c("Date", "Total New Cases"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
Total Number of New Cases
Date Total New Cases
2020-09-13 763,389
2020-09-12 760,581
2020-09-11 757,125
2020-09-10 753,017
2020-09-09 749,196
2020-09-08 746,113
2020-09-07 742,689
2020-09-06 740,233
2020-09-05 737,073
2020-09-04 732,691
2020-09-03 727,398
2020-09-02 722,035
2020-09-01 716,628
2020-08-31 712,541
2020-08-30 706,589
2020-08-29 702,499
2020-08-28 698,389
2020-08-27 692,962
2020-08-26 687,612
2020-08-25 682,320
2020-08-24 676,236
2020-08-23 669,944
2020-08-22 665,325
2020-08-21 659,991
2020-08-20 653,401
2020-08-19 646,742
2020-08-18 640,499
2020-08-17 634,991
2020-08-16 628,508
2020-08-15 621,981
2020-08-14 613,243
2020-08-13 603,212
2020-08-12 595,097
2020-08-11 586,078
2020-08-10 574,267
2020-08-09 563,244
2020-08-08 556,158
2020-08-07 548,142
2020-08-06 541,013
2020-08-05 532,776
2020-08-04 527,258
2020-08-03 522,235
2020-08-02 515,937
2020-08-01 509,507
2020-07-31 502,273
2020-07-30 494,269
2020-07-29 486,039
2020-07-28 474,951
2020-07-27 467,103
2020-07-26 459,338
2020-07-25 453,327
2020-07-24 443,096
2020-07-23 433,175
2020-07-22 422,528
2020-07-21 410,366
2020-07-20 400,195
2020-07-19 391,460
2020-07-18 383,194
2020-07-17 374,922
2020-07-16 364,761
2020-07-15 355,497
2020-07-14 346,593
2020-07-13 336,206
2020-07-12 327,676
2020-07-11 320,030
2020-07-10 311,505
2020-07-09 303,516
2020-07-08 296,304
2020-07-07 287,766
2020-07-06 277,869
2020-07-05 271,587
2020-07-04 265,176
2020-07-03 256,298
2020-07-02 248,198
2020-07-01 239,764
2020-06-30 232,153
2020-06-29 223,995
2020-06-28 216,955
2020-06-27 211,453
2020-06-26 207,027
2020-06-25 201,413
2020-06-24 195,889
2020-06-23 191,039
2020-06-22 184,620
2020-06-21 178,807
2020-06-20 174,854
2020-06-19 170,843
2020-06-18 167,135
2020-06-17 163,381
2020-06-16 159,131
2020-06-15 155,662
2020-06-14 152,953
2020-06-13 150,434
2020-06-12 147,285
2020-06-11 143,709
2020-06-10 140,139
2020-06-09 137,245
2020-06-08 134,287
2020-06-07 131,997
2020-06-06 129,147
2020-06-05 126,510
2020-06-04 122,917
2020-06-03 120,407
2020-06-02 118,081
2020-06-01 115,643
2020-05-31 113,114
2020-05-30 110,100
2020-05-29 107,043
2020-05-28 104,071
2020-05-27 101,873
2020-05-26 99,924
2020-05-25 97,017
2020-05-24 94,743
2020-05-23 92,815
2020-05-22 90,801
2020-05-21 88,488
2020-05-20 86,125
2020-05-19 83,981
2020-05-18 81,943
2020-05-17 80,366
2020-05-16 78,933
2020-05-15 77,015
2020-05-14 74,947
2020-05-13 73,218
2020-05-12 71,150
2020-05-11 69,514
2020-05-10 68,051
2020-05-09 66,824
2020-05-08 64,616
2020-05-07 62,481
2020-05-06 60,787
2020-05-05 58,848
2020-05-04 56,333
2020-05-03 55,072
2020-05-02 53,753
2020-05-01 52,318
2020-04-30 50,470
2020-04-29 48,904
2020-04-28 46,570
2020-04-27 45,208
2020-04-26 43,691
2020-04-25 42,590
2020-04-24 41,368
2020-04-23 39,534
2020-04-22 37,573
2020-04-21 35,844
2020-04-20 33,862
2020-04-19 31,544
2020-04-18 30,829
2020-04-17 29,398
2020-04-16 28,142
2020-04-15 27,107
2020-04-14 25,758
2020-04-13 24,334
2020-04-12 23,323
2020-04-11 22,421
2020-04-10 21,366
2020-04-09 20,191
2020-04-08 19,043
2020-04-07 17,540
2020-04-06 16,361
2020-04-05 15,202
2020-04-04 13,796
2020-04-03 12,569
2020-04-02 11,190
2020-04-01 9,857
2020-03-31 8,583
2020-03-30 7,421
2020-03-29 6,321
2020-03-28 5,566
2020-03-27 4,915
2020-03-26 4,060
2020-03-25 3,183
2020-03-24 2,644
2020-03-23 2,240
2020-03-22 1,851
2020-03-21 1,544
2020-03-20 1,283
2020-03-19 1,067
2020-03-18 893
2020-03-17 732
2020-03-16 588
2020-03-15 478
2020-03-14 381
2020-03-13 320
2020-03-12 252
2020-03-11 202
2020-03-10 179
2020-03-09 172
2020-03-08 112
2020-03-07 100
2020-03-06 81
2020-03-05 67
2020-03-04 55
2020-03-03 45
2020-03-02 38
2020-03-01 33
2020-02-29 28
2020-02-28 27
2020-02-26 26
2020-02-27 26
2020-02-24 11
2020-02-25 11
2020-02-21 9
2020-02-22 9
2020-02-23 9
2020-02-20 8
2020-02-10 7
2020-02-11 7
2020-02-12 7
2020-02-13 7
2020-02-14 7
2020-02-15 7
2020-02-16 7
2020-02-17 7
2020-02-18 7
2020-02-19 7
2020-02-02 6
2020-02-03 6
2020-02-04 6
2020-02-05 6
2020-02-06 6
2020-02-07 6
2020-02-08 6
2020-02-09 6
2020-01-31 3
2020-02-01 3
2020-01-26 2
2020-01-27 2
2020-01-28 2
2020-01-29 2
2020-01-30 2
2020-01-25 1
knitr::kable(safe_counties, caption = "List of Safe Counties", col.names = c("County", "Total Cases", "Population", "Total Cases per Capita"), format.args = list(big.mark = ",")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE, font_size = 11)
List of Safe Counties
County Total Cases Population Total Cases per Capita
Modoc 382 8,841 0.0432078
Trinity 679 12,285 0.0552707
Sierra 286 3,005 0.0951747
Plumas 2,393 18,807 0.1272399
Siskiyou 7,622 43,539 0.1750614
Shasta 33,700 180,080 0.1871390
Tuolumne 10,829 54,478 0.1987775
Humboldt 28,240 135,558 0.2083241
Alpine 280 1,129 0.2480071
Calaveras 12,989 45,905 0.2829539
Nevada 28,495 99,755 0.2856498
Lake 18,431 64,386 0.2862579
El Dorado 57,750 192,843 0.2994664
Mariposa 5,163 17,203 0.3001221
Amador 12,057 39,752 0.3033055
Tehama 20,465 65,084 0.3144398
Del Norte 9,065 27,812 0.3259384
Mendocino 34,021 86,749 0.3921774
Santa Cruz 108,695 273,213 0.3978398
Butte 95,465 219,186 0.4355433
Placer 180,424 398,329 0.4529522
Inyo 8,610 18,039 0.4772992
Santa Clara 1,132,263 1,927,852 0.5873184
Yuba 46,561 78,668 0.5918671
San Luis Obispo 175,100 283,111 0.6184853
Napa 85,313 137,744 0.6193591
Sacramento 1,002,040 1,552,058 0.6456202
Sonoma 322,561 494,336 0.6525137
Yolo 145,881 220,500 0.6615918
Contra Costa 816,257 1,153,526 0.7076191
Alameda 1,228,491 1,671,329 0.7350384
Solano 336,017 447,643 0.7506361
Sutter 73,365 96,971 0.7565664
San Mateo 616,970 766,573 0.8048418
Ventura 684,879 846,006 0.8095439
San Francisco 723,507 881,549 0.8207224
Mono 12,171 14,444 0.8426336
San Diego 2,832,227 3,338,330 0.8483964
Glenn 25,861 28,393 0.9108231
San Benito 62,376 62,808 0.9931219
Monterey 445,704 434,061 1.0268234
Orange 3,293,539 3,175,692 1.0371091
Colusa 24,493 21,547 1.1367244
Madera 191,712 157,327 1.2185575
Santa Barbara 597,872 446,499 1.3390220
San Joaquin 1,024,851 762,148 1.3446876
San Bernardino 2,972,488 2,180,085 1.3634734
Fresno 1,403,937 999,101 1.4052003
Riverside 3,611,739 2,470,546 1.4619193
Lassen 45,008 30,573 1.4721486
Merced 409,128 277,680 1.4733794
Stanislaus 815,215 550,660 1.4804326
Marin 420,750 258,826 1.6256095
Los Angeles 18,408,002 10,039,107 1.8336294
Kern 1,660,479 900,202 1.8445627
Tulare 908,771 466,195 1.9493367
Kings 423,990 152,940 2.7722636
Imperial 868,946 181,215 4.7951108

Answering Q2:

state_level = covid %>% 
  filter(state %in% c("New York", "California", "Louisiana", "Florida")) %>% 
  group_by(date, state) %>% 
  summarize(cases = sum(cases)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  group_by(state) %>% 
  mutate(new_cases = cases - lag(cases)) %>% 
  mutate(roll_7 = rollmean(new_cases, 7, na.pad = TRUE, align = "left")) %>% 
  filter(new_cases > 0)
ggplot(state_level, aes(x = date)) +
  geom_col(aes(y = new_cases), col = "#b9a9d6", fill = "#dac8fa") +
  geom_line(aes(y = roll_7), col = "#8a7ba6", size = .5) +
  ggthemes::theme_clean() +
  labs(title = paste("New Cases")) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 11, face = 'bold'), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
  facet_grid(~state, scales = "free_y")

CAS_PER_CAP = PopulationEstimates %>% 
  select(POP_ESTIMATE_2019, Area_Name) %>% 
  right_join(state_level, by = c("Area_Name" = "state")) %>% 
  mutate(cases_per_cap = (new_cases / POP_ESTIMATE_2019)) %>% 
  mutate(roll_7 = rollmean(cases_per_cap, 7, na.pad = TRUE, align = "left")) %>% 
  filter(cases_per_cap > 0)

ggplot(CAS_PER_CAP, aes(x = date)) +
  geom_col(aes(y = cases_per_cap), col = "#b9a9d6", fill = "#dac8fa") +
  geom_line(aes(y = roll_7), col = "#8a7ba6", size = .5) +
  ggthemes::theme_clean() +
  labs(title = paste("New Cases Per Capita")) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 11, face = 'bold'), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white")) +
  facet_grid(~Area_Name, scales = "free_y")